CNA Practice Test 3 | Free 30+ Real CNA Questions (2024)

Our third CNA Practice Test covers additional 30 practice questions for certified nursing assistant exam. Take this free practice test to know familiarize yourself with types of questions asked in the real CNA test. These practice questions are great for CNA test prep.

1. The CNA is providing a back rub to a client as part of evening care. Which of the following should be included in the correct technique for this intervention?


2. Proper foot care for a diabetic resident includes which of the following practices?


3. The CNA is caring for a client who is experiencing an infection with Clostridium difficile (CDIFF). Which of the following should be used when caring for this client?


4. The CNA is caring for a client who is on precautions for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Which of the following precautions should the CNA utilize?


5. An immobile client requires a transfer from a chair to their bed. Which of the following should the CNA utilize to transfer this client?


6. Who does the nurse aid directly report to?


7. You are assisting a new client in repositioning from bed to chair. You have not previously assisted this client and are uncertain regarding their need for assistance to complete the transfer process. Which of the following should be done to ensure the client’s and staff’s safety?


8. What is the proper technique for a CNA to use when turning a resident in bed?


9. You and a coworker are charting on the computer. Your coworker gets up and walks away without logging off the computer. What is this an example of?


10. A patient consumes 8 ounces of ice chips. What amount should be recorded on the intake log?


11. The CNA is assisting a client to shower. Which of the following should be completed prior to bringing the client into the shower?


12. Upon entering a room, the CNA finds a client who is not responsive. What should the CNA do next?


13. You have a patient who has just received news that her best friend of 60 years has passed. How would you assist her in the grieving process?


14. You are applying lotion to a patient’s skin upon request. Which part of the body should you avoid applying lotion?


15. While assisting a client with bathing, the CNA noticed an area of redness on the client’s elbow. The area does not turn pink when light pressure is applied. What should the CNA do next?


16. Proper hydration care for elderly residents includes which of the following?


17. What does the range of motion term “abduction” refer to?


18. The CNA is assisting a client with lower right-sided weakness to ambulate using a cane. Which of the following techniques should be used?


19. Which of the following interventions should the CNA use to promote autonomy for a client regarding sleep and rest?


20. Bedmaking techniques include eliminating wrinkles in the sheets. The CNA knows this technique assists to:


21. You are feeding a patient with dementia when another patient with dementia makes a sexual pass at the patient you are feeding. What is your response?


22. You are working on your unit, and the nurse asks you, “Please take this cup of medication and give it to room 5.” What is your next step?


23. The care plan for a client indicates they should be repositioned every two hours when in bed. Which of the following is the rationale for this nursing intervention?


24. You have a resident on the day shift who is refusing a shower. He has not had a shower in 3 days. How would you respond to this resident?


25. The CNA can promote autonomy in self-image of the client through which of the following interventions?


26. You have a patient who has received bad news about her husband. Before reaching out to hold her hand, what should you consider?


27. You need to use a Hoyer lift to transfer a patient. The patient is a two-assist. You’re in a hurry. You bring the Hoyer lift into the room, and the resident asks, “Are you going to get someone to help you?” What should you tell the patient?


28. What should a CNA do if a resident refuses to eat their dinner?


29. The CNA is assisting a client when a red rash is noted on their groin area. What should the CNA do?


30. How should a CNA document a resident’s fluid intake if the resident does not finish their entire beverage?


Question 1 of 30